Cloud Arithmetic Swap Protocol

Sulli Protocol supports easy switching between different arithmetic powers, breaking down the barriers between different arithmetic powers. Whether a miner wants to mine Bitcoin or another coin, the process of arithmetic tokenisation can be implemented in a standardised way in the Sulli Protocol. As a result, the NFTs representing bitcoin or Filecoin hash arithmetic are essentially the same, so they can be switched from one to the other.

Bitcoin arithmetic NFTs and Filecoin arithmetic NFTs can be switched atomically via the Sulli Protocol's arithmetic switching protocol. Both parties acquire each other's arithmetic NFTs through an atomic swap transaction and thus receive the subsequent benefits of the corresponding arithmetic NFTs: deposited into the arithmetic pool for trading.

Holders of arithmetic NFTs can deposit their own arithmetic NFTs into the Sulli Protocol arithmetic pool to obtain the Sulli Protocol native token, Sulli , and then exchange Sulli for other types of arithmetic in the pool, which uses an automatic market maker model to provide liquidity power tokens for different types of arithmetic.

Incentive layer for decentralised arithmetic protocols

The above-mentioned arithmetic pass-through protocol and its affiliated cloud arithmetic trading, lending, and swapping protocols enable the basic free flow of arithmetic, thereby addressing many of the pain points of the current cloud arithmetic market. However, arithmetic protocols introduce additional protocol consensus and require a set of economic incentives to motivate all stakeholders in the ecosystem to perform their duties as per the protocol and work together to maintain its operation.

Sulli Protocol proposes a tokenisation scheme for arbitrary arithmetic, and a common decentralised cloud arithmetic trading, lending and swapping protocol designed with incentives to solve the current problems of arithmetic fraud, overselling, simplistic product design, lack of liquidity and flexibility in the cloud arithmetic market, bringing the decentralised world closer to reality.

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