Key contributions

Sulli Protocol proposes a tokenization solution for any arithmetic value and implements a decentralized protocol with incentives for trading, lending and exchanging universal cloud arithmetic values to address the problems of arithmetic value fraud, illiquidity and flexibility, enabling the free circulation of all forms of arithmetic values beyond geographical barriers.

The main contributions of the Sulli Protocol include the following:

Tokenization of on-chain proofs corresponding to arithmetic

Sulli Protocol leverages multi-signature, smart contract and cross-chain technologies to generate and submit proofs of specific arithmetic products to the blockchain, tokenizing arithmetic into NFT tokens, eliminating the need for centralized backing and allowing arithmetic to circulate freely while ensuring ownership by arithmetic NFT holders, with proofs and smart contracts solving arithmetic fulfillment issues.

A decentralised protocol for trading cloud arithmetic rights

Based on the arithmetic power NFTtoken, arithmetic power can be traded in a decentralised manner. Traditional Bitcoin, Ether and Filecoin cloud sequestration capacity and cloud storage capacity for arithmetic power can be traded in a fully decentralised manner without the need to trust third parties, while the security of the arithmetic power value and transaction funds is guaranteed.

Cloud Arithmetic Lending Protocol

Based on the arithmetic value NFT, arithmetic coins can be used as collateral assets to enable a lending market, reducing friction in the transaction process and cash flow pressure on the borrower, and enabling optimal use of funds and resources. Ownership Confirmation of Cloud Arithmetic Using the nature of fungible tokens (NFT), cloud arithmetic maps directly to real-world physical mining hardware or storage resources, making it easy to confirm ownership and eliminating legal risk.

Cloud Arithmetic Exchange Protocol

Uses arithmetic value NFT to enable the exchange of cloud arithmetic values between different cryptocurrencies for added flexibility. The incentive layer for the circulation of cloud arithmetic rights designs and implements incentives and credit systems for the tokenisation, trading and circulation of generic cloud arithmetic rights to incentivise the various participants in the ecosystem and ensure that the protocol works.

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