NFT Exchange Agreement

Sulli NFT Exchange Agreement

The miner and the verifier decide that the payment will otherwise be returned to the holder of the arithmetic NFT (i.e. the buyer). With the Sulli NFT Exchange Agreement, the rights of both the buyer and the seller are protected and neither party can gain undue advantage by cheating.

Holders of arithmetic NFTs can also continue to resell the value of cloud arithmetic. Since the multi-signature address does not involve the buyer's address but the address of the arithmetic NFT, the profit of cloud arithmetic will only be sent to the current holder of the arithmetic NFT regardless of how the arithmetic NFT circulates, so that in the subsequent resale process, the arithmetic NFT can circulate freely like a normal NFT, and its value depends mainly on the arithmetic power and its remaining service life, which are recorded on the blockchain, and anyone can obtain information about any arithmetic NFT, thus enabling the market to complete the price discovery of arithmetic.

With the Sulli NFT trading protocol, any arithmetic NFT is free to circulate and does not require a centralised third party to guarantee the right to future returns.

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